
This project started in 2013. Our goal was to live off the land and the sea, and love it. It is also our goal to inspire a new agricultural future, celebrate abundance and build as much topsoil as possible.

Now, 10 years later, we are doing it again to see what’s changed about the local food landscape. Follow our journey here or on Facebook, or support the project on Patreon!

  • Hunter’s thoughts

    Hunter’s thoughts

    Eat Mendocino is kind of like that game where you try to make a meal out of the random stuff left in your pantry when you’ve been procrastinating going to the grocery store. It’s also like when you’re backpacking and every bagged dehydrated cup of noodles meal is the best thing ever because you’re hungryContinue…

  • Week #1 down, 51 weeks to go.

    Week #1 down, 51 weeks to go.

    We opened: 2 jars of salsa, one jar of pickled onions, and 2 jars of sauce We took out of the freezer: 4 pounds ground beef, one small duck, one carton chicken broth, two cartons mirepoix, one carton baba ganouj, one baggie red pepper paste, two baggies pesto. We put in the freezer: an extraContinue…

  • preciousness and scarcity

    preciousness and scarcity

    One of the things I learned from this project last time is not to let preciousness trap us into scarcity. Open some special jars, right at the beginning. Make some favorite meals even though they’re more work. Do as much in advance as possible. Have food ready before you get too hungry. So far, sinceContinue…

  • Here we go again

    Here we go again

    On this day ten years ago, I packed dry beans, thawed frozen tomato sauce, chopped onion, beef, barley and cubed roots into a crock pot, so that in the morning, local food would already be there. As luck would have it, my thrift store crock pot scorched everything into a malodorous mass. I woke up,Continue…

  • Thanksgiving 2022

    Thanksgiving 2022

    It’s Thanksgiving morning, and the table is full of thick slices of winter squash sitting on trays like fat golden half moons. They smell like cantaloupe. We are taking the squashes with dings and bruises that will not cure down for winter and roasting them into puree for the freezer, and juicing them for pumpkinContinue…

  • Making Pickles

    Making Pickles

    It’s the dark of 5am and there’s a reaching streak of condensation at the bottom of each window. One partner is sleeping, the other is moving drying corn around on the rack erected above the four poster guest bed checking for mold, and stirring drying salt in flat pans in the dehydrator, and simmering molassesContinue…